Introduction to Endodontics (SW20-2-7-01)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionThis course is a great opportunity for GDPs to get to grips with providing good quality, efficient endodontic treatment. Jon Cowie and Luca Moranzoni will be covering assessment of prognosis, access, canal preparation, irrigation and obturation. There will be hands on practice using OneCurve and hand files in simulated canals, as well as the opportunity to practice simplified obturation and rubber dam placement. This is a small group session, with no more than twelve dentists, giving plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion.
Additional information

This course is for general dental practitioners looking to gain an insight into rotary endodontic or learn the OneCurve system.

This course will focus on management of anterior teeth and premolars using the OneCurve file which is a continuous rotation file, very cost effective and works with most endodontic motors.

All dentists are very welcome. This course is suitable for PVLE dentists.

VenuePostgraduate Medical Centre, Bath - Bath & NE Somerset  View details
Date & timeFriday 7 February 2020, 09:00 to 17:00
LecturersMr Jonathan Cowie & Dr Luca Moranzoni  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeC
Course styleHands-on
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00

To introduce rotary endodontics using materials and equipment that simplify treatment and are cost-effective for NHS practice. 



Understand the diagnosis and assessment surrounding decisions for endodontic and linked restorative treatment

Gain proficiency in rubber dam placement including closing the right clamps for the right situation

Have hands-on experience with OneCurve to prepare a simulated root canal

Understand the importance of irrigation and obturation in improved endodontic outcome

Have hands-on experience with obturation in simulated canals

Gain an understanding of modern endodontic treatment workflow with simplified techniques to deliver efficient, safe and reproducible endodontic treatment related to the tooth requiring endodontic treatment. 

Learning outcomes

Practitioners will feel more comfortable providing Tier 1 endodontic treatments in primary care.