Dental Trauma (FT3060)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectRestorative dentistry
DescriptionA review of the current treatment of trauma cases, with particular reference to children.
Additional information

David has a special interest in the management of child patients. We will be looking at the management of dental trauma – especially as it affects our younger patients. How we manage trauma in the first few days will affect our patient’s recovery and long-term dental health. The financial and ethical implications could be far-reaching, so this will no doubt prove to be an extremely valuable session. Please bring with you any radiographs, study models and photographs you have of trauma cases you are treating in practice.

VenueZoom, N/A - N/A - Virtual  View details
Date & timeThursday 1 October 2020, 13:30 to 16:30
LecturerDr David Johnson  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeA, B, C, D
Course styleInteractive Workshop
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours3:00
CostNo charge

To guide FDs in decision making when faced with dental trauma cases, using case histories of patients seen in the Department of Child Dental Health.


By the end of the session you will have:

  • Looked at case notes of paediatric patients who have suffered dental trauma
  • Looked at radiographs and photographs of paediatric patients who have suffered dental trauma
  • Discussed the cases with your peers
  • Had the opportunity to ask questions relating to trauma cases you have treated or are about to treat.
Learning outcomes

Using cases of both deciduous and permanent trauma, by the end of the session, you should feel more confident in dealing with:

dental trauma of a more complicated nature than usually seen

dental trauma of medically compromised children

dental trauma incorporating orthodontic assistance

later complications of dental trauma