Impression taking made easy (SW-20-09-21-01)

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DescriptionA webinar to improve your impression taking techniques. The webinar will be given by Mike Gregory, GDP with a special interest in Removable Prosthodontics in general practice. Mike is also an ex dental technician and currently an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at Bristol University.
VenueZoom, N/A - N/A - Virtual  View details
Date & timeMonday 21 September 2020, 18:30 to 20:30
LecturerMr Michael Gregory  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Clinical Dental Technician, or Dentist

Development outcomeC
Course styleE- learning
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours2:00

1- To identify common problems in impression.

2- To recognise the limitations of 'stock' impression trays.

3- To choose appropriate impression materials for any given case.

4- To recognise the shortcomings of some materials.


1- Appreciate the advantages of modifying 'stock' trays.

2- Be able to modify 'stock' impression trays for optimal extension.

3- Recognise when special impression techniques are required.

Learning outcomes

Be confident in taking clinically satisfactory impressions at the first attempt