Anticoagulants, Endocarditis, Bisphosphonates, And All That!! (SW20-11-25-01)

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DescriptionSimon and Pippa will be returning to Buckfastleigh, to deliver their popular study day that provides the opportunity for those of use working in practice to refamiliarise ourselves with the most current Guidelines covering the management of medically compromised individuals. This is an interactive course, using case scenarios to encourage questions and discussion. All members are the dental team are very welcome. This course is suitable for PVLE dentists.
Additional information

Please ensure you have access to the hand outs attached to this course.

VenueBuckfast Abbey Conference Centre, Buckfastleigh - Devon S & W  View details
Date & timeWednesday 25 November 2020, 09:30 to 16:15
LecturersPippa Blacklock & Mr Simon Heywood  View details
Target audience

Recommended: Dentist

Development outcomeC
Course styleInteractive Workshop
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00

To review and discuss current national guidelines and guidance on the management of the dental

patient undergoing invasive and surgical treatment and how this may be affected by their medical



By the end of the day delegates should feel more confident about:

Bisphosphonates ,warfarin, antiplatelet agents and steroids

NICE guidelines for prophylaxis against endocarditis - what we should tell patients

The dental patient with medical conditions in terms of ASA grading and its relevance

Management issues of the dental patient who has/is receiving radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy

Outcome : Delegates should feel better able to make decisions about their patients' overall health and whether or not they are safe to treat in the dental surgery

Learning outcomes

A seminar/small group course enabling practitioners to be aware of current guidelines, so ensuring patient safety.