Endodontics Part 2 (12517)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectDental foundation training course
DescriptionAn introduction to reciprocating preparation systems and obturation
Additional information
VenueSouth Coast Dental Specialists Dorchester, Dorchester - Dorchester & W Dorset  View details
Date & timeThursday 25 October 2018, 09:30 to 17:00
LecturersMr Jonathan Cowie & Dr Luca Moranzoni  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeC
Course styleHands-on
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00
CostNo charge

To understand and have the opportunity to use different endodontic preparation and obturation systems


· Case presentations and discussion

· Introduction to reciprocation

· Hands-on with Reciprocation on typodont teeth

· To obturtate and restore a prepared tooth

Learning outcomes

To feel more comfortable using the a reciprocating system and obturating