Practical Medical Emergencies (SW17-08-29-1)

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SubjectMedical emergencies
DescriptionThis is a practical medical emergencies course, run in the Simulation Suite at the Academy in GWH. Medical staff will create various emergencies on the programmable "dummy" so that in groups, delegates will be able to diagnose the problem and instigate appropriate resuscitation. This will be monitored and there will then be a debrief after each one to assess weak/strong points. To gain maximum benefit from the course, delegates should be aware beforehand of treatment for the common medical emergencies seen in primary care, such as faint, asthma attack, airway occlusion, anaphylaxis, myocardial infarct, CVA, hypoglycaemia. Some of these conditions will be run on the model for delegates to diagnose and treat.
Additional information

Please note that there is a charge for the hospital car park, which is run by the local council.

VenueDept of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Swindon - Swindon & N Wiltshire  View details
Date & timeTuesday 29 August 2017, 08:30 to 12:30
LecturerSimulation Centre, Academy Great Western Hospital  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleHands-on
CateringLight buffet
Core topicMedical emergencies
CPD hours4:00

to practice diagnosis and management of common medical emergencies see in a primary care dental environment


to practise recognition/diagnosis of common medical emergencies.

to simulate treatment of medical emergencies on a simulation model.

to undergo a debrief following the practical session.

Learning outcomes

to improve the ability to recognise and treat common medical emergencies and therefore improve the patient's outcome.