Making the most of your DCT Year and Top Tips for applying for StR (DCT21-22-15)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionProvide an overview of specialty training in dentistry Increase awareness of the specialty training application process and highlight ways DCTs can improve their portfolio
VenueMS Teams, Virtual - N/A - Virtual  View details
Date & timeMonday 22 November 2021, 18:30 to 19:30
LecturersJenifer Jopson, Alexander J Pollard & Dr Sowmya Simon  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: DCT

Development outcomeC
Course styleE- learning
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours1:00
CostNo charge

Provide an overview of specialty training in dentistry

Increase awareness of the specialty training application process and highlight ways DCTs can improve their portfolio


• Understand the pathway to becoming a specialty training registrar

• Describe the specialty training application process

• Appreciate the opportunities available to DCTs and ways to enhance your portfolio

• Understand the realities of being a specialty training registrar