Lecturer Details: Presribing Radiographs for Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists and Clinical Dental Technicians

Lecturer nameFreya Smith-Jack
Lecturer profileFreya graduated from Dundee dental School in 2008 and completed her MFDS shortly after.
Freya has recently finished her specialist training in Bristol and has taken up a consultant post in Sheffield while still being mainly based in Wiltshire.
After a secondment in NHS leadership she is midway though a masters in NHS leadership, management and innovation and am a return to work champion. She also worked with Health Education England developing and writing the Advancing dental care academic strategy for dentists and dental care professionals.

Feedback from other courses given:
Feedback from other courses has been positive. I try to incorporate audience participation into as many activities as possible to spice up a dry topic.
‘ Well-structured and good pace of delivery’
‘easy to ask questions and spend time going through more difficult concepts’
‘good atmosphere, very helpful'
‘interactive approach’