Lecturer Details: Impression taking for DCP's OSCE

Lecturer nameJanis Brimacombe
Lecturer profileQualifications:
NEBDN Cert 2000
CFET 1 & 2
SAAD conscious sedation
Impression taking
Plaque and debris

Current post:
Self-employed Dental Nurse Tutor with Cotswold Dental Training
Examiner and super co-ordinator for the NEBDN

Short resume of career to date:

Dental nurse since 1964 – retired clinical December 2014
Worked in many practices as a locum nurse, involved in conscious sedation, implant nursing, most recent locum employment with Gaston King, periodontist.
She has worked in the private and NHS sector practices. Much of her locum work has been in the Bristol, Gloucester and Cheltenham area.
She has worked with Simon Martin, Oral Surgeon for 4 years (2009 – 2013) involved in Implants and many other surgical procedures.
She has been working with Jackie Gazzard for the last ten years as a dental nurse tutor.

Experience relevant to the topic:

She did the train the trainer impression taking course. She regularly took impressions on patients when working for Mr Roger Moore in Gloucester and on occasion when she was working with Simon Martin.

Feedback from other courses given:
Not too dry. Made it fun and enjoyable. Down to earth and approachable
Lecturer nameMrs Jackie Gazzard
Lecturer profileQualifications:

Radiography qualification for DCP’s
CPR / AED trainer

Current post:

Dental nurse tutor/ Assessor
South West Deanery PG dept DCP Advisor Wilts and Dorset

Short resume of career to date:

Qualified as DN 1979 still working 2 days a week in a dental practice in Minchinhampton Glos
Qualified as DN Tutor 2007 currently running 3 NEBDN Diploma courses
Presiding examiner for NEBDN
NEBDN E-ROE witness training Maker
C&G assessor qualification 2015, working as a Tutor and assessor for new college Swindon
DCP advisor for SW Dental PG Deanery

Feedback from other courses given:

All very encouraging about courses delivered
Lecturer nameMs Clare McNamara BA, BDent Sc(Dubl), MFDS RCS(Ed), MOrth RCS(Ed),
Lecturer profileQualifications:
BA, BDent Sc(Dubl), MFDS RCS(Ed), MOrth RCS(Ed), DDS(Bris), FDS Orth RCS(Ed)

Current Post:
Specialist Orthodontist

Short resume of career to date:
Clare is consultant and specialist orthodontist working in hospital and in practice, both NHS and privately. She completed her specialist training in 2008 and consultant training in 2010. She has been programme lead of the Bristol orthodontic therapy programme and is currently chair of the SW orthodontic regional MCN.

Experience relevant to topic:
Clare works alongside orthodontic therapists in primary and secondary care and is past training programme director of the Bristol orthodontic therapy diploma course.