Indirect Restorations! - Hands on (SW24-03-15-01)

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SubjectCrown and bridge
DescriptionThis is a great opportunity to practice preps on plastic teeth. This course, delivered by Malcolm Prideaux will cover basic preps including full metal crown, porcelain bonded crown, inlays, onlays and all ceramic options for anterior and posterior teeth. All dentists are very welcome to attend – this day is suitable for International Dental Graduates with Agreement terms, or those of us who lack confidence or experience placing indirect restorations. If you are looking to develop more advanced skills, this might not be the best course for you. For more information, please email Please ensure you bring your loupes if you have them, eye protection, sensible shoes, clinical top and a sealed water bottle. Please bring a packed lunch, or you may choose to visit a local café or sandwich shop.
VenueUniversity of Plymouth, Plymouth - Devon S & W  View details
Date & timeFriday 15 March 2024, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturerMr Malcolm Prideaux  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeC
Course styleHands-on
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00

Revise knowledge of indications and contra indications for indirect restorations

Build on techniques and skills learned at dental school

Practice skills in a safe environment


Revise knowledge of indications and contra indications for indirect restorations

Build on techniques and skills learned at dental school

Practice skills in a safe environment

Learning outcomes

Reinforce and build on knowledge gained at dental school

Practice clinical skills

Be more confident in providing an indirect restoration for a patient.