End of Life Care (RUH08)

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Programme (SAMPLE)

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SubjectF2 Regional Teaching
DescriptionCare of the dying patient. This course can be used towards the following Enhance module: patient centred practice, complex multmorbidity
Additional information

Please arrive by 8.50am to allow for the course to start at 9am prompt.

VenuePostgraduate Medical Education Centre (B20), Bath  View details
Date & timeFriday 8 November 2024, 09:00 to 17:00
LecturerDr Rebecca Bhatia  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Foundation Year 2

Course styleLecture
CateringRefreshments and Lunch
Core topicNot a core topic
CPD hours7:00
CostNo charge

All FDs should understand the principles of compassionate care of the dying patient and those important to them.

Teaching should provide the FD with an approach to managing the last hours of life and introduce the concept of caring for patients who have entered the ‘last year of their life’.

Teaching on this topic should align with the six ambitions for palliative and end of life care.

Please refer to: http://endoflifecareambitions.org.uk/ for further information.


•recognising the dying patient

•sensitive communication, including ‘talking about death’

•involving and supporting the patient and those important to them

•planning, coordinating and delivering individualised care to maximise comfort and wellbeing

Learning outcomes

This course links with the following Foundation Professional Capabilities (FPCs):

FPC 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13


Curriculum requirement:

  • Core teaching: The dying patient
  • FPC1,2,3,4,5,6,13



  • Person centred practice
  • Complex multimorbidity