Eating Disorders (331SOM)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectVirtual/Online Teaching
DescriptionA day aimed to develop knowledge regarding he complexities of eating disorders
VenueVirtual/Online, Virtual/Online  View details
Date & timeFriday 6 May 2022, 09:00 to 13:00
LecturersDr Elizabeth Arthurs, Dr Francesca Battisti, Mrs Elizabeth Doyle & Dr Anna Kyle  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Foundation Year 2, or Non-Trainee Grade Junior Doctor

Course styleLecture
Core topicNot a core topic
CPD hours4:00
CostNo charge

Content includes:

  • MARSIPAN – management of acute medical presentations and spotting early warning signs.
  • Secondary care management and pathways.
  • Recognising and managing refeeding syndromes including fluid, electrolyte and nutrition management.
  • Understand fluid management, meal planning and need for NG feeding in the acute setting.
  • Understand the role of starvation in eating disorders and the effect on the brain.
  • Involvement of the Primary and Secondary Care interface and multidisciplinary teamwork.

To introduce Doctors to various topics within the complexities of Eating Disorders

Learning outcomes

Learning Objectives

FP Curriculum 2021

HLO1 FPC 1, 2, 3