Lecturer Details: Orthodontic Update for DCPs

Lecturer nameDr Joanna Dancer
Lecturer profileConsultant in Orthodontics

After completing specialist Orthodontic training in Leeds in 1993 and Senior registrar training in Birmingham, in 1996, Joanna took up post as Consultant in Orthodontics in North Cumbria. She has since worked in private practice in Australia and has completed postgraduate studies in Business and Management, including an MBA and PhD. She is currently Consultant in Orthodontics at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, and at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, as well as an MFDS examiner at RCS Edinburgh.
Lecturer nameMr Alan Gowans BSc, BDS, MFGDP, MFDS RCS, MSc, PGC(HE), FDS
Lecturer profilePublished and presented internationally on Cleft Lip and Palate. Intrinsically involved in the Siri Lankan Cleft Professional title and brief biography: Consultant Orthodontist Blackpool Teaching Hospitals. Consultant Orthodontist for Nobles Hospital Isle of Man, Visiting Senior Research Fellow of the University of Leeds. Examiner for the Royal Collage of Surgeons of Edinburgh for M.Orth and MFDS Part II.
Previous Lead Consultant Cleft Lip & Palate Northern & Yorkshire Region, Senior Lecturer University of Leeds, Lead Examiner MFDS Part II Royal Collage of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and Chairman of the Orthodontic Specialist Interest Group for the Craniofacial Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

Project which has changed the timing of cleft surgery world wide. Developed 3D diagnostic and analysis of Cleft patients. Currently involved in international reaserch into the timing of audit records and the outcome of this will be presented at the Craniofacial Confrence in London in April. This will change clinical practice both in the UK and world wide. Instigated the NorCleft Audit group which validates and audits cleft work in more than 2/3 of the cleft population of the UK.