Orthodontic Update for DCPs (NW190511A)

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DescriptionThis session has been especially designed for Orthodontic Dental Care Professionals to update their knowledge and skills to enhance their service provision.
Additional information

Registration begins at 9am

Important Information

Delegates will need to bring a pair of springformer or light wire pliers, and a set of orthodontic pre-treatment study models on the day. They should also be prepared to have their basic occlusion assessed by colleagues as part of the practical sessions.

VenueRoyal Preston Hospital, Preston - Lancashire  View details
Date & timeSaturday 11 May 2019, 09:30 to 12:30
LecturersDr Joanna Dancer & Mr Alan Gowans  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental Nurse, or Orthodontic Therapist

Development outcomeA, C
Course styleWorkshop
Core topic Not a core topic
CateringRefreshments and Lunch
CPD hours3:00

To update Orthodontic DCPs with the latest knowledge to improve service provision.

  • Increase knowledge of basic malocclusion and it’s aetiology
  • Understand factors related to the need for orthodontic treatment
  • Improve knowledge of particular issues in the Orthodontic care of cleft patients
  • Improve understanding of functional twinblock therapies
  • Develop understanding of orthodontic archwires and their uses
Learning outcomes

At the end of this session delegates should:

  • Be able to describe a malocclusion and have an insight into its aetiology
  • Have improved understanding of the particular needs of cleft patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
  • Be more aware of how successful functional appliance therapy is carried out
  • Have better understanding of orthodontic archwires and their uses