Lecturer Details: North West Oral Health Network Conference 2022: Focus on Community- Improving Oral Health

Lecturer nameCath Baxter
Lecturer profileCath Baxter is one of the UK’s leading voice coaches and a Public Speaking expert. For 14 years she was Head of Voice at Mountview, one of the top 5 drama schools in the UK, where she trained some of the UK’s best actors and musical theatre performers. Her time is now spent working with a wide range of business clients and companies, helping them to add greater impact to their communications. In 2020/21 Cath has trained over 3500 people online. She has most recently delivered group training for the following organisations:

Department for Education - Legal and Transactions, Home Office, Ministry of Defence -
Digital Division, Crown Commercial Service, Health Education England, GSK – Global Supply
Chain, GSK – Vaccines, NHS Improvement, Independent Office for Police Conduct, Cancer
Research, Women into Leadership Virtual Conference.

Cath has a PGCert in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Lecturer nameCharlotte Hodgkiss RN
Lecturer profileLearning Disability and Autism Specialist Nurse Advisor
Lecturer nameDr Lucy O'Malley
Lecturer profileLucy is a Senior Lecturer in Health Services Research in the Division of Dentistry, University of Manchester. She has a background in sociology and health psychology and has been researching oral health for more than 10 years. She is passionate about evidence-based health care and its implementation and is also an editor with Cochrane Oral Health.
Lecturer nameLouise Spence
Lecturer profileDysphagia Speciliast Speech and Language Therapist
Louise has been working at Warrington and Halton Hospitals since 2007. She has 24 years experience working as a Speech and Language Therapist.

Having recently written a new oral care policy for the trust along with one of her colleagues Louise understands that sharing information regarding dysphagia and the effects this has on oral health is vitally important.