Training for mentors / supervisors supporting international dental graduates (IntroMentor110124)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
Article on feedbackBeing a Supervisor - Mentor PowerPoint
Capability,conduct, managing concernsDPL Agreement Terms example
NHSE remote learning guideReflection template
SE DPL6 Supporting Dentist Eligibility CSEDPL6 Guidance for Supervisors

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SubjectEducators Development
DescriptionThis course is an opportunity to develop your skills to support colleagues who are new to the NHS. This will be an online webinar and will include time for interaction and discussion. Being a mentor is hugely rewarding and a wonderful way to welcome the skills of colleagues form diverse backgrounds into the NHS workforce.
Additional information

The session will start promptly at 6.30pm.

It will be delivered online and the link to the session will be sent via email on the day of the course.

Please make sure that your correct email address is connected to your Maxcourse account. 

VenueWebinar Tutorial, Winchester  View details
Date & timeThursday 11 January 2024, 18:30 to 20:00
LecturersKaty Kerr & Mr Shabir Shivji  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeA, B, D
Course styleBlended Learning
Core topicNo core topic
CPD hours1:30

To enable course participants to develop the skills necessary to be Mentors / Supervisors to international dental graduates


The course will cover:

  • Identifying training needs and the Education and Clinical Support Plan (ECSP)
  • Detailing supervision responsibilities and support
  • Developing the mentee's ability to reflect
  • Giving feedback
  • Recognising and managing concerns
  • Having difficult conversations
  • Further developing your skills 
Learning outcomes

Following the course, participants will be able to :

  • Support learners to complete the items on their ECSP and fulfil their training requirements.
  • Appreciate the importance of reflective learning.
  • Give useful feedback.
  • Recognise and Manage inadequate performance.
  • Understand when and where to seek help if needed.