Bullying & Harassment (SW780)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCPD - Supervisors
DescriptionThis workshop focuses on preventing bullying and harassment and the legal aspects of this critical subject. With a lens on equality and diversity in this context, this session will explore how to successfully apply the legal elements. It will address personal responsibility and clarify legal boundaries. The module will demystify Equality legislation and help delegates understand what is required of them. It will explore the ‘what’ and offer pragmatic and realistic ideas on the ‘how’ to implement actions to achieve a sustainable and respectful workplace that benefits everyone. The session will consider the key elements of the legal perspective and what they mean to strategic leaders.
VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 15 December 2023, 09:30 to 12:30
LecturerNigel Tillot
Target audience

Mandatory: Associate Dean Secondary Care, or Associate DME, or College/Specialty Tutor, or Consultant, or Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, or Deputy Dean, or DME, or Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, or HoS, or SAS Doctor - Associate Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Speciality Doctor, or SAS Doctor - Staff Grade, or SAS Tutor, or TPD Secondary Care

Course styleWebinar
CPD points3.000
CostNo charge
  1. Bullying, harassment and victimisation
  2. Observations from legal employment focussed case studies
  3. The Equality Act - my responsibilities
  4. Discrimination – direct/indirect
  5. Understand the protected characteristics
  6. The Equality Duty for public sector organisations
  7. Understand where the Equality Act does not apply