Skills for Managing Stress – how to support yourself and others within the workplace (SW707)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCPD - Supervisors
DescriptionThis course is split into two halves. The Morning Session will focus on how to manage your own stress levels first. The Afternoon Session will focus on the role of the Supervisor in managing the stress of others at work.
Additional information

Morning Session:

  • Exploring the nature of stress at work.
  • Understanding the mind-body connection of stress.
  • Utilising mindfulness meditation, positive psychology, and neuroscience for managing stress.
  • Developing a robust strategy to build and maintain your resilience towards stress.

Afternoon Session:

  • Understanding the legal framework for managing stress at work.
  • Exploring positive management styles/approach for reducing stress.
  • How to initiate difficult conversations with positive outcomes.
  • Utilising Risk Assessment for effective stress management.
VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeFriday 20 October 2023, 09:00 to 15:15
LecturerJacqui Kristina
Target audience

Mandatory: Associate Dean Secondary Care, or Associate DME, or College/Specialty Tutor, or Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, or Deputy Dean, or DME, or Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, or HoS, or SAS Doctor - Associate Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Speciality Doctor, or SAS Doctor - Staff Grade, or SAS Tutor, or TPD Secondary Care

Course styleWebinar
CPD points5.000
CostNo charge


Learning outcomes

Please email with any questions before and on the day.