Coaching Tools for a Compassionate Culture: Leadership Skills for Healthy Team Dynamics (SW719)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCPD - Supervisors
DescriptionApproaches to develop healthy team dynamics: Most NHS teams face changes and challenges. This day will include strategies for creating a healthy team environment, managing team dynamics, facilitating effective communication and consider how we as individuals can play a part in influencing team culture and behaviours. It will be an interactive day and will help us to reflect on ways to work towards growing a functional team where psychological safety and compassion are the norm.
Additional information

Please email with any questions,  before and on the day.


VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeThursday 25 January 2024, 09:00 to 16:00
LecturersRachel McCoubrie & Caroline Taplin
Target audience

Mandatory: Associate Dean Secondary Care, or Associate DME, or College/Specialty Tutor, or Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, or Deputy Dean, or DME, or Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, or HoS, or SAS Doctor - Associate Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Speciality Doctor, or SAS Doctor - Staff Grade, or SAS Tutor, or TPD Secondary Care

Course styleWebinar
CPD points6.000
CostNo charge