Assertiveness in Communication (SW559)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCPD - Doctors in Training
DescriptionWhatever your role in the workplace, a clear and assertive communication style will prevent misunderstandings and ensure that your message is heard. This workshop, most suitable for those looking to increase their personal effectiveness, will help participants to adopt a professional and assertive approach to communications. It provides tools and techniques to help adapt your style to suit the audience.
Additional information


Understanding Assertiveness

  • Defining assertive communication and the key ingredients
  • Assessing when assertiveness is required and potential barriers

Expressing yourself assertively

  • Recognising that all parties, including you, have the right to be considered and understood
  • Using language, tone and techniques to ensure that your view is heard

Understanding body language

  • Identifying the clues that tell us what the speaker really means and feels

Using the appropriate communication style

  • Adapting your style to suit the situation, message and audience

Highlighting intentions

  • Removing ambiguity and ensuring that the message you want delivered is the one that is heard
VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 19 September 2023, 13:30 to 16:00
LecturerMarie Guest
Target audience

Mandatory: CT1, or CT2, or IMT1, or IMT2, or IMT3, or Public Health Trainee, or ST1, or ST2, or ST3, or ST4, or ST5, or ST6+

Course styleWebinar
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge


  • Fully understand the audience to provide context for communication
  • Use the most appropriate communication style to secure commitment
  • Express themselves assertively
  • Utilise active listening skills to ensure they understand what the speaker is really saying
  • Position their own communication for maximum impact
  • Use their knowledge of body language to read sub-texts and gain a more accurate impression of what the speaker is feeling