SAS Career Development Workshop (DT026)

AvailabilityCourse was cancelled
SubjectCPD - Supervisors
DescriptionJoin our career development workshop and consider your future career pathway and ongoing personal development.
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VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeThursday 3 November 2022, 09:20 to 15:30
LecturerDr Simon Frazer
Target audience

Mandatory: Associate Dean Secondary Care, or Associate DME, or College/Specialty Tutor, or Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, or Deputy Dean, or DME, or HoS, or SAS Doctor - Associate Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Speciality Doctor, or SAS Doctor - Staff Grade, or SAS Tutor, or TPD Secondary Care

Course styleWebinar
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

By the end of this workshop, you should:

  • Be clearer on how you see your career developing in the short & long term
  • Understand the purpose of a portfolio and how to tailor it depending on purpose
  • Know what information to collect, how to map it to the curriculum of both specialty and Good Medical Practice to demonstrate your clinical and non-clinical skills for CESR
  • Appreciate the value of recording reflections to enhance learning
  • Identify your learning needs and construct a useful PDP with an action plan

By the end of the session we expect participants to have reflected on their own career and considered their future options.