Introduction to Mindfulness for ES/CS/SAS (SW24-024)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCPD - Supervisors
DescriptionThis training provides a clear overview of mindfulness and meditation, with practical take-aways to promote your well-being and effectiveness. This is an informative and experiential session which provides an introductory outline of what mindfulness is, why it’s useful and how you can be more mindful. You will be guided through some meditation, which increases your general levels of presence, giving you natural access to the benefits of mindfulness. We’ll also look at easy-to-apply, everyday ways that you can be more mindful. You will learn how mindfulness helps you to slow down, pay attention, connect to yourself and your life, gain insight and make wise choices. It also helps you to reduce stress and anxiety, centre yourself, be less reactive, and increase well-being in general. Discover the power of presence in this nurturing and life-enhancing course. This session is suitable for those who are brand new to mindfulness or for those who have some experience. For those with some familiarity already, the training session will provide valuable clarity and reminders and is likely to bring fresh tools and ideas.
Additional information

This course covers:

  1. What is mindfulness?
  2. Benefits of mindfulness
  3. Everyday ways of being more mindful: A mindful pause – stepping out of automaticity and stress reactivity, Mindfulness for life-enhancement, Taking care of yourself with mindfulness
  4. An introduction to meditation – to increase your general levels of presence
VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeWednesday 3 July 2024, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturerRachael Garside
Target audience

Mandatory: Associate Dean Secondary Care, or Associate DME, or College/Specialty Tutor, or Dental Educational/Clinical Supervisor, or Deputy Dean, or DME, or Educational/Clinical Supervisor Secondary Care, or HoS, or Public Health Supervisor, or SAS Doctor - Associate Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Specialist, or SAS Doctor - Speciality Doctor, or SAS Doctor - Staff Grade, or SAS Tutor, or TPD Secondary Care

Course styleWebinar
CPD points6.000
CostNo charge