Let's Talk About Race for Doctors in Training (SW779)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCPD - Doctors in Training
DescriptionThe issue of difference pertaining to race continues to dominate the headlines, yet research indicates that people are still uncomfortable talking about it. Generally, differences of gender, sexuality or age seem easier to discuss, but minority groups and individuals belonging to different ethnicities face subtle, indirect racial discrimination in several ways.
VenueZoom, Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 19 March 2024, 13:30 to 16:30
LecturerDelroy Hall
Target audience

Mandatory: CT1, or CT2, or IMT1, or IMT2, or IMT3, or Public Health Trainee, or ST1, or ST2, or ST3, or ST4, or ST5, or ST6+

Course styleWebinar
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

This virtual bite-size workshop aims to educate individuals in organisations to give them a better understanding of various forms of racism and racial bias. With a focus on the topics of anti-racism and white privilege, the session looks to assist organisations in making practical and structural changes that demonstrate a clear commitment to an inclusive workplace.


This virtual half day workshop will help you understand more about the history and background of race. It deals specifically with issues concerning those in the black minority ethnic category. The workshop draws heavily on latest developments in socio-cultural systems in addition to learning from classical and contemporary sociologists. You will learn about concepts such as:

  • The Veil
  • Social Evaluative Threat
  • 1st Class and 2nd Class BAME
  • Doxa
  • Field Theory
  • Double consciousness
  • Benevolent Discrimination
  • Homophily
  • The Labyrinth