Obstetrics and Gynaecology (UHP 2023 - 16)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectF2 Regional Teaching
DescriptionWe look forward to welcoming all F2’s to this study day, whether you are interested in O&G as a specialty or not, there will be a great deal of transferable skills and knowledge. We plan to use a variety of teaching methods including the traditional lecture, small group discussion and practical sessions. The faculty appreciate that Obstetrics and Gynaecology can be intimidating for many doctors. This day is intended to enable you to feel more at ease with some of the difficult topics and examination required to assess and manage these patients safely. In the past this day has always received fantastic feedback. This is largely down to our relaxed and hands on approach.
Additional information

Please see schedule of how the day will run: (Subject to change)

09.00 - Intro and Learning Objectives 

09.10 - Pre-Course Quiz 

09.15 - Chronic Pelvic Pain

10.00 - Coffee Break

10.20 - Small Group Case Studies: (2 of) Ectopic Pregnancy, raised BP in pregnancy, Menopause, ethics - screening, post-natal contraception.

11.20 Practical Session: Normal Delivery and Gynaecology Examination 

12.20 Lunch Break

13.00 Small group case studies: as above

14.00 Practical Session: Instrumental delivery and management of PPH 

14.45 Coffee Break

15.00 Prescribing/Imaging in Obstetrics

15.45 Post Course Quiz and Close 

16.00 End of Day 

If you need to cancel your space, please email emily.drew5@nhs.net at your earliest opportunity in the hope someone else would be able to take your place.

There will be light refreshments provided but please bring your own lunch. 

VenuePostgraduate Medical Education Centre (PGMC), Plymouth  View details
Date & timeFriday 3 May 2024, 09:00 to 16:00
Target audience

Mandatory: Foundation Year 2

Course styleCombination of Styles
Core topicCore teaching
CPD hours6:00
CostNo charge