Lecturer Details: Level 2 Child Safeguarding Training for Dental Practices.

Lecturer nameVicky Brown Safeguarding Operational Lead for Mastercall Healt
Lecturer profileSafeguarding Operational Lead for Mastercall Healthcare.

Vicky has worked as a safeguarding Midwife in the children’s multi-agency safeguarding hub in Manchester and then moved to working in the same hub but on the adult safeguarding team. This included training numerous GP practices.

Vicky has worked as safeguarding practitioner at the Christie, during this time she completed a 'train the trainer' course. She delivered safeguarding training levels 1-3 to a variety of staff members.

Vicky now works as safeguarding operational lead at Mastercall Healthcare and delivers safeguarding level 3 training to clinical staff as well as more bespoke training when the need arises. This training has now been adapted and is delivered over Microsoft teams due to the covid-19 pandemic.