Update for Dental Therapists - Local Anaesthetic and Extraction Techniques (NW190611A)

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DescriptionAn evening session for dental therapists to update their current knowledge on local anaesthesia and extraction techniques.
Additional information

An opportunity for dental therapists to update their current knowledge on local anaesthesia and extraction techniques.

VenueWhiston Education, Training & Conference Centre, Whiston - Merseyside  View details
Date & timeTuesday 11 June 2019, 18:00 to 20:00
LecturerMrs Kiaran Weil  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental Therapist, or Orthodontic Therapist

Development outcomeA, C, D
Course styleLecture
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours2:00

To provide the opportunity for Dental Therapists to;

  • more reliably provide adequate anaesthesia for their patients
  • improve their choice of extraction instruments and techniques

Provide an opportunity to review LA Infiltration and IDB techniques and the value of using bony landmarks

Discuss strategies to use for patients where adequate anaesthesia may be problematic

Learning outcomes

Participants will have;

  • improved skill at delivering Local Anaesthetic, particularly IDBs
  • a number of strategies in place for patients who are difficult to anaesthetize
  • a good understanding of extraction instruments
  • improved skill at extracting deciduous teeth