Level 2 safeguarding with a focus on Adults in care homes. (NW220705A)

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SubjectChild / Adult Safeguarding
DescriptionThis webinar will include an overview of the current local and national legislation around adult safeguarding. Examining case studies and how these will impact practice, the webinar will explore the role role Dentists have within safeguarding in Care homes.
Additional information

Registration begins at 18:15

Microsoft Teams - 'How to' guides

  • Please find PDF documents at the top of this page to assist you in getting ready for and attending the meeting.
  • Please download the MS Teams app to your device in advance of the meeting where possible, to avoid any connection issues. You can download the app to your laptop by clicking here. To download the app on your phone or tablet visit your device’s app store.

Please be advised that you will be sent an email invite to the meeting no later than 1st July 2022

It is advised that where possible, you use a laptop/PC as this seems to alleviate potential issues.

VenueMS Teams, Webinar  View details
Date & timeTuesday 5 July 2022, 18:30 to 20:00
LecturerKaren McCormick  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeA, B, C, D
Course styleLecture
Core topicGDC Recommended Topic
Catering None
CPD hours1:30

To increase awareness and understanding of adult safeguarding in care homes for dental professionals 

  • Recognise your role in adult protection and the role of others
  • Define adult protection responsibilities and processes
  • Develop ability to identify and act on concerns about the safety and welfare of adults at risk
  • Describe how and where to access support and advice
  • State legislative frameworks that underpin safeguarding
  • Discuss Self Neglect
  • Clarify the SAR process and how it impacts on practice
Learning outcomes

Following the session participants will:

  • Have an increased awareness of adult safeguarding with focus around oral health and categories of abuse
  • Be able to communicate and act appropriately within national and local guidelines