DCT1 STUDY DAY- Composite Techniques (NWDCT120210716N)

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SubjectRestorative Dentistry
DescriptionNo description given
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This session is for DCT1s in HEENW only.

Please can you arrive at 8:30am so lateral flow testing can be carried out prior to your study day.

This session will be held in groups of 3 in a clinical setting, if possible can you bring a fit tested mask, FFP2 masks will be provided if necessary.

Please follow all venues COVID-19 restrictions and social distance at all times.

Breaks and lunches to preferably be outside the venue or socially distanced.

VenueWindsor Dental Hulme, Manchester - Greater Manchester  View details
Date & timeFriday 16 July 2021, 09:00 to 17:00
LecturerMr Peter Doorey  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental Core Trainee Year 1

Development outcomeA, C
Course styleHands-on
Core topic Not a core topic
Catering None
CPD hours6:00
CostNo charge
  • To improve knowledge of bonding techniques.
  • Understand the role of anatomy in functional ,aesthetic restorations.
  • To improve skills in multilayering composite restorations.

Lecture based presentation and hands on practical for posterior and anterior composite restorations.

Learning outcomes
  • Up to date understanding of composite bonding.
  • Ability to create anatomically correct composite restorations.