Webinar: Legal and Ethical Challenges in everyday practice (NW210629A)

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SubjectLegal and ethical issues
DescriptionUnderstand the dentolegal challenges facing practitioners and how to protect yourself
Additional information

Registration begins at 9:15am

Microsoft Teams - 'How to' guides

  • Please find PDF documents at the top of this page to assist you in getting ready for and attending the meeting.
  • Please download the MS Teams app to your device in advance of the meeting where possible, to avoid any connection issues. You can download the app to your laptop by clicking here. To download the app on your phone or tablet visit your device’s app store.

Please be advised that you will be sent an email invite to the meeting no later than 25th June 2021

It is advised that where possible, you use a laptop/PC as this seems to alleviate potential issues.


NHS GDP - £10




VenueMS Teams, Webinar  View details
Date & timeTuesday 29 June 2021, 09:30 to 11:30
LecturerMr Len D'Cruz  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeA, D
Course styleLecture
Core topic Not a core topic
Catering None
CPD hours2:00

To review topical dento-legal issues affecting teams in general dental practice

  • Reflect on particular dento legal challenges raised by the COVID19 pandemic
  • Review issues of consent including patient declining treatment or demanding treatment you are advising against
  • Understand how record keeping has an impact on defending complaints and claims
  • Review the impact on human factors on performance
  • Discuss CQC- what injuries need reporting ?
  • Clarify Implants – whose responsibility
Learning outcomes

Following the session participants will have a better understanding of the risk management strategies teams can adopt in mitigating harm to patient and reducing the chances of complaints and claims