DFT Pennine & Manchester - The A-Z of Paediatric Dentistry (NW200228FPNP)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DFT Joint A-Z of Paediatric Dentistry

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SubjectDFT Joint Programme
DescriptionA revision lecture covering common presentations and treatment modalities in paediatric dentistry
Venue3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester - Greater Manchester  View details
Date & timeFriday 28 February 2020, 13:30 to 16:30
LecturerProfessor Siobhan Barry  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Foundation Dentist

Development outcomeA, B, C
Course styleLecture
Core topic Not a core topic
Catering None
CPD hours3:00
CostNo charge
  1. To discuss common presentations in the paediatric patient including dental caries, traumatic dental injuries and dental anomalies
  2. To discuss management options for the paediatric dental patient including LA/sedation and GA
  3. To discuss safeguarding issues

Following this lecture, participants should;

  1. have an understanding of common presentations in the paediatric patient
  2. Have an understanding of common management strategies
  3. Appreciate possible safeguarding issues
Learning outcomes

To develop an understanding of treatment strategies for commonly presenting issues in the child patient