DFTh Study Day: Case Study Presentations (NW200603A)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectCase Studies
DescriptionCase study presentations.
Venue3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester - Greater Manchester  View details
Date & timeWednesday 3 June 2020, 09:30 to 12:30
LecturerMrs Tracy Thompson  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental Foundation Therapist

Development outcomeA, B, C, D
Course styleWorkshop
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours3:00
CostNo charge
  • Present a patient case study to supervisors and peers.
  • Present a comprehensive patient case study demonstrating arrange of skills and knowledge in the delivery of care to a patient.
Learning outcomes
  • Enhance skills in the planning and delivery of care from beginning to completion of treatment
  • Help to bridge the gap between knowledge and clinical skills
  • Encourage the use of reflection to develop skills
  • Develop skills in team working, communication and professionalism