Difficulties in Endodontics (NW190214A)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionThis lecture provides GDPs with a chance to examine and discuss the numerous difficulties which can be faced during endodontic treatment. Looking at clinical issues, problems and mishaps, the course aims to provide tips & strategies to help overcome potential difficulties.
Additional information

David Baker has been a GDP for 18 years, with an interest in Endodontics. He completed his MSc in Endodontics in 2013 and now is a regular tutor on the same programme.


Registration begins at 9am

VenueRoyal Lancaster Infirmary, Lancaster - Lancashire  View details
Date & timeThursday 14 February 2019, 18:00 to 20:00
LecturerDr David Baker  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeC
Course styleLecture
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours2:00

To highlight some of the difficulties encountered with endodontic treatment and to provide an insight into strategies to help avoid problems or how to resolve them.


Participants will:

  • Learn practical ways to address numerous clinical issues and problems in endodontic practice
  • Understand the importance of careful access preparation
  • Understand the difficulties with length determination
  • Be aware of problems and mishaps with obturation - filling short and why this can occur
  • Consider shaping procedures and problems with various file systems, including file separation.
Learning outcomes

After completing the session participants will be equipped with problem solving tactics to deal with difficult scenarios during endodontic treatment.