So you want to be an Educational Supervisor? (PM) (NW171121C)

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DescriptionDevelopment session for future Educational Supervisor
Additional information


VenueCommittee room 4, Regatta Place, Liverpool - Merseyside  View details
Date & timeTuesday 21 November 2017, 13:30 to 16:45
LecturersMrs Barbara Brown & Ash Hussain  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleWorkshop
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours3:00

The purpose of the study day is to enable dentists who aspire to become Educational Supervisors (ES) or Educational Supervisors (Assessed Period) (ES-AP) to:

  • Be aware of the contractual and moral obligations of the ES/ES-AP role
  • be aware of the revised COPDEND Standards for Dental Educators (2013)
  • be introduced to the professional portfolio that will be used by a dental educator to demonstrate educational practice that accords with the COPDEND Standards for Dental Educators (2013)
  • further understand the requirements of the educational supervisor role and the personal, practical and professional implications of undertaking it.


Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss, with dental colleagues, the five domains and core values of the revised Standards for Dental Educators and how these might be demonstrated when educating others
  • Reflect on their ability and readiness to undertake the role of educational supervisor within their current practice, realistically appraising pertinent personal, environmental and professional opportunities and constraints
  • Identify further activities that could be undertaken to prepare them to fulfil the role of educational supervisor effectively.
Learning outcomes

At the end of the study day participants will be able to:

Disseminate information about the COPDEND Standards for Dental Educators (2013) with colleagues in their workplace and discuss with them the implications of undertaking an educational supervisor role for the practice as a whole, (for example potential changes to patient booking times, or any required environmental changes to enhance opportunities for direct observation or confidential discussion with supervisees).

Begin completion of the Portfolio for Educational Supervisors, and plan their time to include opportunities for educational practice, study and reflection

Identify local resources which may support their further development into the role of educational supervisor