Mental Capacity and the Dental Team (NW191111A)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectMental Capacity
DescriptionThis session for the whole dental team on Mental Capacity will include the proposed 2020 amendments
Additional information

This session will give an overview of the content and practical application of the Mental Capacity Act. It will include the proposed amendments to the Act which will be introduced in 2020

Maureen has taught in Further and Higher Education and in the Prison Service, working in partnership with Local Authorities, the private and voluntary sector, the NHS and CQC.

Registration from 12.30pm

Venue3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester - Greater Manchester  View details
Date & timeMonday 11 November 2019, 13:00 to 16:15
LecturerMaureen Halford  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeA, B, C, D
Course styleLecture
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours3:00

To provide training for members of the dental team on the Mental Capacity Act, including the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)


This session will cover the principles of the MCA and its impact on the dental team for the safeguarding of vulnerable adults.

It will look at the process of assessment of capacity to consent to treatment and will cover the proposed updates to this legislation.

Learning outcomes
  • Define the terms Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty  
  • Describe the core principles of the MCA.  
  • Describe hoe mental capcacity is assessed.  
  • Discuss the application of MCA and DoLS to dental related scenarios.  
  • Describe the proposed updates to the legialation and the impact on dental practice.