Immediate Life Support (ILS) Certificate for Sedation Dental Teams (NW191004A)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
11 CandidateResponsibilitieAirway Assessment continuour assessment
CPD_Statement-4ILS ABCDE and Defib continuous assessmen
ILS evaluation formILS Paper2 Candidate copy
ILS programme

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SubjectMedical Emergencies
DescriptionThis course will provide the dental team the skills to manage dental medical emergencies, specifically those involved in sedation.
Additional information

In response to guidelines in Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care (2015) this specifically developed course meets the needs of dental professionals to comply with guidance from the CQC and the Resuscitation Council.

Dave Edwards is a registered nurse in resuscitation and emergency care, a RCUK ALS and APLS Instructor.

Registration from 9am

Lunch is not provided on this course. Facilities to buy food are available near the venue.

Venue3 Piccadilly Place, Manchester - Greater Manchester  View details
Date & timeFriday 4 October 2019, 09:30 to 16:00
LecturerDave Edwards  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeA, B, C, D
Course styleWorkshop
Core topicMedical Emergencies
CPD hours5:00

To provide members of the dental team involved with sedation in the dental practice the skills to manage dental medical emergencies.


the course will cover;

  • Causes and prevention of cardio-respiratory arrest
  • The ALS algorithm
  • The ABCDE approach
  • Initial resuscitation and defibrillation
  • Airway with LMA/ Igel
  • Targeted training-IM Injection technique and Glucometer, Focus on non technical skills
  • Cardiac Arrest Simulation
Learning outcomes

Working with simulations this course will provide members of the dental team the skills to manage Immediate Life Support in perspective to dental sedation.

At the end of the course, the candidate will be awarded an ILS certificate – RCUK approved to comply with the CQC and GDC recommendations and will also be awarded a certificate in management of medical emergencies within the dental practice