How to meet Data Protection Officer Requirements (NW190307B)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
SubjectInformation Governance
DescriptionThis course has been designed specifically for those who have taken on the role of Data Protection Officer (DPO) within their practice.
Additional information

This full day session will visit the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), including the Information Governance Toolkit but also look at data processing activities, risk and impact assessments and data security standards all highlighting the importance of ensuring that the rights of data owners are met.

Registration begins at 9am

Please not the lunch WILL NOT be provided on this course

**Nominated DPOs only** - Please do encourage the rest of your team to attend the morning GDPR Training session.

VenueWindsor Dental Hulme, Manchester - Greater Manchester  View details
Date & timeThursday 7 March 2019, 09:15 to 16:15
LecturerMs Glenys Bridges  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeC
Course styleWorkshop
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours5:30

This course aims to:

  • Set out a the new framework and responsibilities for safeguarding information
  • Outlines the legal codes of GDPR
  • Define the requirements for Team training
  • Plan Risk and Impact Assessments
  • Define ways to meet new responsibilities in dental practices
  • Explore NHS Data Security Standards and Obligations
  • Develop practice policies and procedures
  • Demonstrate the right evidence to prove compliance
  • Enable the DPO to manage Cyber threats
  • Outline requirements for managing and reporting incidents
Learning outcomes

Following this training participants will be able to review, develop and maintain practice policy in line with enhanced data security & protection measures, to safeguarded data owner’s rights.