Environmental Cleaning and Maintenance in the Dental Setting (NW220913C)

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SubjectInfection control
DescriptionThis course is part of a series of infection control lectures on specific topics relating to infection control for the whole dental team. This session focuses on Environmental Cleaning.
Additional information

Registration starts 18:15

This webinar will be delivered by Microsoft Teams. A link will be sent to you 1 day prior to the course.

Microsoft Teams - 'How to' guides and webinar guidance

  • Please find PDF documents at the top of this page to assist you in getting ready for and attending the meeting.
  • Please download the MS Teams app to your device in advance of the meeting where possible, to avoid any connection issues. You can download the app to your laptop by clicking here. To download the app on your phone or tablet visit your device’s app store.

It is advised that where possible, you use a laptop/PC as this seems to alleviate potential issues.

If you have not received your invite by the below above then please check your junk mailbox. If you still can't find the link, please email: Victoria.mainwaring@hee.nhs.uk

Please be advised that you will be sent an email invite to the meeting no later than Monday 12th Sept 2022

VenueWebinar, - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 13 September 2022, 18:30 to 20:30
LecturerKaren Jones  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeC
Course styleLecture
Core topicGDC Recommended Topic
Catering None
CPD hours2:00

Provide an update on environmental cleanliness and maintenance encompassing the National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness guidance (2021).

  • · To understand the importance of environmental cleanliness/ maintenance and how this reduces the impact of healthcare associated infections (HCAI’s) in the dental setting.
  • · Know how to apply the national cleaning standards (2021) in the dental setting, in line with legislation/ associated regulation and the dental professional’s duty of care to patients/ visitors to help prevent the spread of HCAI infections.
  • · Apply to local practice, updating policies and procedures were appropriate, which in turn provides an assurance framework to support compliance.
Learning outcomes

This training is intended to create an understanding of the need to apply effective infection prevention and control measures in the dental setting with regards to environmental cleaning and maintenance, reducing potential infection risk factors for all patients, staff and visitors.