Contemporary Endodontic Practice (Hands on) (NW190116A)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionThis course provides an update on contemporary endodontic practice looking at modern canal shaping, cleaning and obturation techniques.
Additional information


A selection of vegetarian/non vegetarian options will be made available, however please be aware that we are unable to cater for special dietary requirements such as Gluten Free, Nut Allergy, Vegan. We therefore suggest that delegates bring their own food if you have a specialist requirement.

VenueSimply Endo, Liverpool - Merseyside  View details
Date & timeWednesday 16 January 2019, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturerDr Michael P Horrocks  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeA, C
Course styleHands-on
Core topic Not a core topic
CateringRefreshments and Lunch
CPD hours5:30

This programme discusses the diagnosis and management of endodontic disease in dental practice


This programme discusses different concepts of canal shaping in modern endodontology. It will highlight the the background to endodontic disease and how successful treatment is related to predictable consistent canal shaping combined with efficient canal disinfection with irrigants. The programme will also present an overview on the requirements for an ideal obturation. This will be discussed together with the issues relating to hot and cold obturation techniques and conclude with a review of contemporary obturation materials and sealer

Learning outcomes
  • Be familiar with different concepts of canal shaping
  • Be aware of the importance of consistent canal shaping
  • Know how to decide which canal shaping technique is appropriate for individual cases
  • Know how to make obturation easy
  • Know indications for the use of different obturation techniques
  • Have an awareness of obturation materials including contemporary sealers