Essential Periodontics: Surgery for the Diseased Patient (SW16-09-22-1)

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DescriptionAn initial presentation on indications for surgical therapy is followed by a description of a simple surgical technique for pocket reduction, using graphics, video and clinical cases. The rest of the session is entirely hands on using pigs jaws to practice the techniques described. A similar format follows in the afternoon, when periodontal regeneration and root resections are discussed and practiced. SURGICAL EQUIPMENT MUST BE BROUGHT BY EACH PARTICIPANT - SEE DOCUMENT SECTION
Additional information

Participants may wish to consider attending the 23rd September 2016 course on Pre-restorative and Mucogingival Surgery to support the learning from this course.

VenuePostgraduate Medical Centre, Bath - Bath & NE Somerset  View details
Date & timeThursday 22 September 2016, 09:00 to 16:30
LecturersSarovi Drone & Mr Phil Ower  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist, or Hygienist, or Therapist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleInteractive Workshop
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00

1.  To appreciate the indications and contraindications for surgical periodontal therapy.

2.  To understand the principles of periodontal surgical technique.

3.  To understand the treatment options for vertical bone defects.

4.  To understand the principles of root resection techniques.


1.  Carry out simple pocket reduction surgery.

2.  Manage vertical bone defects.

3.  Carry out root resection procedures.