Antimicrobial Prescribing and Resistance (SW15-12-01-1)

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DescriptionWith the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance there is a focus on antimicrobial stewardship particularly within general dental practice. This course will update participants on prescribing in general dental practice, within the context of current and future regulations and guidance for dentists in England. Using current evidence base and the framework of the Department of Health's Competencies for Prescribers on Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship, Wendy Thompson will update us with lectures, scenarios and discussion.
VenueVillage Urban Resort Bournemouth, Bournemouth - Bournemouth & E Dorset  View details
Date & timeTuesday 1 December 2015, 09:00 to 16:00
LecturerMs Wendy Thompson  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental nurse, or Dentist, or Hygienist, or Orthodontic therapist, or Therapist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleInteractive Workshop
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00

To update dentists on antimicrobial prescribing, resistance and stewardship.


To provide training within the framework of the Department of Health's Competencies for Prescribers on Antimicrobial Resistance and Stewardship, by placing it in the context of current and future regulations and guidance for dentists in England