Fibre reinforced composites - the basic principles and how it can be used to treat the periodontally compromised patient (SW16-01-22-1)

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SubjectRestorative dentistry
DescriptionTHIS IS THE SECOND DAY OF A 2-DAY EVENT. THE 1ST PART IS THURSDAY, 21ST JANUARY. PARTICIPANTS NEED TO ATTEND BOTH DAYS. This is a dual act by Dr Van Rensburg and Richard Newman. Dr Van Rensburg has developed a wealth of experience in fibre reinforced composite restorations by clinically doing them on a regular basis and also lecturing on this topic since 2003. Richard Newman is a highly qualified and experienced technician. Together they have presented several hands-on courses and have guided the delegates through the use of fibre reinforced composites, light-cured composite, restorative materials, and their practical applications. They will capture the attention of the delegates with innovative treatment options.
Additional information

The course will include:

  • Comprehensive background of fibre reinforced composite restorations
  • Periodontal splinting
  • cost effective and minimally invasive ways to deal with the periodontally compromised patient
  • direct composite veneers
  • gum shade composites
  • tinting
  • polishing
  • bonding agents
  • and tips and tricks!
VenueEngineers' House, Bristol - Bristol & N Somerset  View details
Date & time2 day event starting on Friday 22 January 2016, 08:45 to 16:30
LecturersMr Richard Newman & Mr Jansie van Rensburg  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleHands-on
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00
CostNo charge

The course will give participants an overview of recent developments in the field of composites, their applications and their usage in the clinical environment.  Indications, contra-indications and potential problems will be highlighted.


After attending the hands-on course, dentists will:

  • Have a better knowledge on how to manage seemingly hopeless periodontal cases
  • Be able to provide their patients with effective alternative treatment options to extractions and prostheses
  • Be able to treat the periodontally compromised patients effectively and to stabilize their dentitions with fibre reinforced composite splints and restorations
  • Use a natural tooth as pontic in combination with periodontal splinting