Effective Use of Ultrasonic Scalers (SW15-06-16-2)

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DescriptionThis is an interactive workshop for Dental Hygienists / Therapists and Dentists. The overall aim is to ensure that you are using ultrasonic effectively to treat periodontal disease, especially in a busy dental practice. The workshop is designed to ensure that you are aware of the latest teaching on the use of ultrasonic and how their designs are changing to ensure maximum efficiency.
VenueVillage Urban Resort Bournemouth, Bournemouth - Bournemouth & E Dorset  View details
Date & timeTuesday 16 June 2015, 18:15 to 20:45
LecturerMs Saffina Nanji  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist, or Hygienist, or Therapist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleInteractive Workshop
CateringLight buffet
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours2:00

1. non-surgical root debridement- where we are now

2) use of instruments both ultra sonic and hand instruments (types and use)

3) brief review of the evidence regarding use of both ultrasonic and hand instruments

4) care of instruments