Obtaining Pateint Consent and Record Keeping in General Dental Practice (SW15-02-24-1)

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Facilitator's detailsHandout 1

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SubjectMedico-legal / ethics
DescriptionThe General Dental Council stipulate that good communication skills are integral to successful patient care. Good record keeping should demonstrate patient assessment, patient consent, treatment and effective team working. The Learning outcome of this workshop is through scenario based discussion, develop a consensus among the group as to what constitutes informed consent and how it forms an integral part of the record-keeping process.
Additional information

Session lead by

Marina Harris LLM BSc (Hons) RDH FHEA

Marina Harris is currently a senior lecturer at the University of Portsmouth dental academy, in addition to being a local dental advisor for Dental Protection Ltd. Marina has over 30 years’ experience of general dental practice, clinical teaching and research. Holding a Master’s degree in Law she lectures widely on consent and records keeping.

VenueVillage Urban Resort Bournemouth, Bournemouth - Bournemouth & E Dorset  View details
Date & timeTuesday 24 February 2015, 18:15 to 20:45
LecturerMs Marina Harris  View details
Target audience

Recommended: Hygienists/Therapists & Dentist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleInteractive Workshop
CateringLight buffet
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours2:00

Ensure that you are obtaining consent from a patient before undertaking treatment at each appointment and are recording the correct information even for very basic procedures.


learn the principles of consent and shared decision making

understand the process of shared decision making and its importance in effective dentist-DCP patient relationships

gain an understanding of what leads to complaints and claims related to clinical decision making

gain a detailed understanding of what to right in your patients notes, even for the simplest common procedure