What's New in Dental Materials (SW15-06-16-1)

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SubjectAdhesive dentistry
DescriptionAn interactive whole day course to update dentists in the contemporary direct and indirect dental materials available in restorative, surgical and regenerative dentistry. A whole day interactive course to update the general dental practitioner in the contemporary direct and indirect dental materials available in restorative ,surgical and regenerative dentistry. The course will be evidence based with the speaker being Paul Wilson Consultant ,senior clinical lecturer in restorative dentistry .
VenueThe Barn Function Centre, Berkeley - Gloucestershire  View details
Date & timeTuesday 16 June 2015, 09:15 to 16:15
LecturerMr Paul H R Wilson  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleLecture
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours6:00

This interactive course will update participants in the contemporary direct and indirect dental materials available in restorative, surgical and regenerative dentistry.


By the end of the course participants will;

1- Have an understanding of the classes of materials available to the practitioner today.

2- Be aware of the latest evidence for new materials and their practical uses in patient treatment.

3- Have an in-depth understanding of contemporary materials, their limitations and benefits.