5 Point Plan for New Patient Growth (SW14-10-02-1)

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SubjectPractice management
DescriptionThis is an evening presentation on Marketing delivered by a local consultant currently working with around 50 dental practices across the UK and Ireland from the private, NHS and specialist areas. Jonathan Fine is a partner in 'Breathe Business'.
VenueAlverton Manor Hotel, Truro - Cornwall  View details
Date & timeThursday 2 October 2014, 18:00 to 20:30
LecturerMr Jonathan Fine  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dentist, or Manager

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleLecture
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours2:00

To provide an overview of dental marketing strategies


By the end of the evening delegates should have a clearer view of:

1) Understanding your current situation - your catchment, the profile of your patients and your competitive set

2) Understanding and building your proposition. What is it you are actually selling - Family Dentistry, Saga set Dentistry, High end Cosmetic Dentistry etc.

3) How appealing are you to look at? Does your image support your proposition? Will your target market feel comfortable with it?

4) Communications; Patient Referral, Kerb Appeal, Website and Effective Campaigns

5) Engagement - how to optimise and convert all new patient enquiries