Training Providers of Dental Nurses (SW14-10-25-1)

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SubjectTraining trainers
DescriptionInformal day for trainers of dental nurses who are teaching a qualification leading to registration with the GDC
VenueBuckerell Lodge Hotel, Exeter - Devon N & E  View details
Date & timeSaturday 25 October 2014, 09:30 to 16:30
LecturersMrs Jackie Gazzard & David Smith  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Development outcomeNo development outcome
Course styleLecture
Catering Meal
Core topic Not a core topic
CPD hours5:00

To discuss with training providers in the region the delivery of the National Diploma Examination for dental nurses and the challenges this brings.

To develop a network of communication between trainers.

To discuss the sharing of resource

To discuss with trainers the preparation of students prior to the examinations.

To discuss with trainers the following -

The on line record of experience

Witness and Mentor Training programes

Service level agreements and training practice monitoring forms

Workplace observation policy


Have increased understanding of how best to deliver training looking at the following elements.

*Pre course information *Record of experience (ROE) *Charting ability *Extended Matching questions (EMQ) *Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) *Examination Preparation.

PM session

Have increased knowledge on the following

The latest news and changes from the GDC relating to

Student fitness to practice

Continuing Professional Development

Personal Development Plans