Oral Health Champions Mop-Up Session 3 (DWD27JAN25)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
Teams Meeting Link
SubjectFlexible Commissioning
DescriptionThe Oral Health Champion training course mandated that all 4 sessions must be attended in order to be awarded CPD. For those individuals who missed a single stand alone session and did not complete the training, these mop-up events will enable those to finish training. This event is session 3 mop up and is only available for dental nurses who have missed this third session during the Oral Health Champion training course.
Additional information

Only available to Flexible Commissioning dental nurses who missed session 3 of training.

VenueMicrosoft Teams, Microsoft Teams - Virtual  View details
Date & timeMonday 27 January 2025, 09:00 to 12:00
LecturerJulia Armstrong  View details
Target audience

Mandatory: Dental Nurse

Course styleWorkshop
CategoryClinical course
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeA, B, C, D
CPD hours3:00
CostNo charge

To provide knowledge about the theory of fluoride and the application to support prevention of caries.


Analyse the mechanism of fluoride on teeth.

Explain safe use of high fluoride varnish.

Discuss the importance of working under prescription.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this third session, you will be able to:

Understand how fluoride is used in prevention.