SY6 scheme day (FD20NOV19)

AvailabilityCourse has taken place
DescriptionPlease note this course is only available to Yorkshire and Humber Foundation Dentists and is not open to external delegates.
VenueLangsett Room, Don Valley House, Sheffield  View details
Date & timeWednesday 20 November 2019, 09:00 to 17:00
LecturerAndrew Harrison  View details
Target audience

Recommended to all

Course styleLecture
CategoryDental foundation and/or longitudinal course
CateringNo catering
Development outcomeC
CPD hours6:00
CostNo charge

Aims - For each FD to deliver a Pecha Kucha presentation on an allocated subject.


- to inform the group about evidence based practice via peer teaching

- to improve presentation skills using the Pecha Kucha framework

- to improve confidence in delivery of oral presentations ready for MS2/MS3

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes to improve understanding of the following topic areas:

- Vitality testing - a comprehensive guide to options

- C Factors and ways of limiting post-operative sensitivity of composite restoration

- Bridge abutments an overview to suitability, selection and prognosis

- Considerations for patients undergoing cancer treatment (or who have previously had cancer with long-lasting dental implications)

- Dental Anxiety - assessment and management

- Difficulties securing local anaesthesia - things to try when patients still feel pain

- Ellis classification of incisal fracture and options for building up fractured anterior teeth

- Radiograph reporting what to include - BW, PA’s and OPG

- Tooth isolation - options and methods

- Pulpotomies, pulpectomies and apexification - indications, contraindications, methods and materials

- Biodentine - overview, indications, contraindication and application

- Classification and diagnosis of periodontal disease - latest guidance/update

- Pre-operative assessment of wisdom teeth in need of extraction (Winter’s lines and other assessment tools)

- Cracked tooth/cusp - assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis