Reconnecting with Purpose: Exploring Career Challenges and Rediscovering Professional Passion (RTT04FEB25a)

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SubjectSuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
DescriptionSometimes time away from work makes us re-evaluate our choices. This one-day workshop is an opportunity for returning trainees to explore their professional motivation and reconnect with why they chose their career path or specialty, or indeed reconsider whether it is now right for them.
Additional information

Who is this workshop for?

If you have ever found yourself questioning why you do the job you do, and feeling disconnected from the person who made that career choice in the first place, this workshop is for you. Come and meet others who have felt similarly, and reconnect with, or re-design, your career aims and aspirations. This is a relaxed, informal one-day workshop. The emphasis will be on exploring how you feel about your career in a non-judgemental environment. This day is completely independent from any discussion with faculty from your school.

How will the workshop run?

From 10am until 3pm via zoom. You will need to set up a zoom account in advance of the session if you don’t already have one.

We will have tea/coffee breaks mid-morning and mid-afternoon and a 30 min lunchbreak. The workshop is interactive and involves some solo reflection activities, and some pairs/small group work. You will not be required to share anything you are not comfortable with sharing.


Rough timings are as follows (may change slightly according to the pace of the group)

  • 10 -11am session 1: Looking back and learning
  • 11 – 11.20 tea break
  • 11.20 – 12.30 session 2: who am I now?
  • 12.30 – 1 lunch
  • 1- 2.45 session 3: finding an authentic way forward
  • 2.45 – 3 Finish and close

What do I need to do to prepare?

There is some preparatory work to do which will help you get the most out of the workshop:

  • Ensure you have something to write with and on. You may wish to use a journal or other confidential space for your work.
  • Please complete the VIA strengths questionnaire: It is free to complete and your report will be emailed to you.
  • Have a look at the list of values in the document accompanying this course information and see if you can identify your top 3 (or nearly 3 – can be more if you are struggling to narrow it down)
  • You may wish to print out the Balance Wheel also included in the course information

Online bookings will close 1 week prior to the course date but additional bookings may be made by emailing

You can cancel your place online up to 1 week prior to the course, cancellations within the last week must be sent via email to

Please note that if you join the course more than 30 minutes late without communicating this to the team or facilitator, you will not be allowed to attend the course

VenueVirtual (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeTuesday 4 February 2025, 10:00 to 15:00
LecturerDr Susy Stirling  View details
Target audience

This course is restricted to trainee doctors and dentists who are taking time out of training or who have returned to training within the last 3 months. Please only book if you meet this criteria. IMG trainee doctors may also attend within their first 6 months of working within the NHS. (IMG = International Medical Graduate.)

Mandatory: Dentist, or Doctor, or Public Health Professional

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To reconnect with your purpose and rediscover your professional passion, in light of time away from training.


The workshop is interactive and participants will engage in both solo reflection activities and some pairs/small group work. 

Pre-session completion of questionnaire and online report recommended.

Learning outcomes
  • To explore possible impact that any change in personal circumstances might have on motivation for professional role
  • To think through any concerns returners might have about the role they are returning to
  • To reconnect with career and specialty choices
  • To speak with confidence about their time out of training
  • To engage in a safe learning environment at a time when (for some) learning might seem more challenging than in the past, and to build self-confidence in doing so
  • To network with other returners and create supportive alliances.