Leadership for Clinicians Early in their Careers (PSk03FEB25)

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SubjectProfessional Skills
DescriptionThis is an interactive, reflective course providing an understanding of clinical leadership and its role within the NHS, and how we can all develop as future leaders. It is targeted at doctors early on in their careers. This is a course aimed at doctors at ST1-4 level.
Additional information

This is an interactive workshop on leadership. Please ensure you are in an environment that you can hear and contribute, with your video on. In preparation for the course, please reflect on your leadership experiences to date.

Booking cancellation

Delegates must make every effort to attend courses they have booked. If your availability changes after booking, please cancel your place through Maxcourse as soon as possible. This will release the place for colleagues on the waiting list.

If you need to cancel within 1 week of the course or the course has started and you are not able to attend, please email england.LSFDcourses.yh@nhs.net to give your apologies.

VenueVirtual (Zoom), - Virtual  View details
Date & timeMonday 3 February 2025, 09:00 to 15:00
LecturersSarah Merrifield & Katie Wallace  View details
Target audience

This course is only available to Core Specialty (including ST1-ST4 run-through) and General Practice trainees.

Mandatory: Doctor, or Public Health Professional & Doctor

Course styleWorkshop
CateringNo catering
CPD points0.000
CostNo charge

To introduce concepts and frameworks that will be of immediate relevance for those early in their clinical careers, with space for reflective discussion. It will also lay down the foundations for future leadership and current clinical roles.

  • 1. Recognise importance of clinical leadership and understanding of the underlying evidence base
  • 2. Reflect on and identify existing skills and qualities in own role as a leader and that of those in your working environment
  • 3. Recognise influence of rank and power in working relationships and systems and the importance of inclusive leadership
  • 4. Gain basic understanding of leadership models and styles and how this can shape our thinking about leadership.
  • 5. Develop ability to recognise own preferences and strengths and those of others
  • 6. Reflect on conflict situations and learn different approaches to managing conflict, taking into account the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Model.
  • 7. Explore compassionate leadership and what it means in practice.
Learning outcomes

As above with the addition of making a leadership pledge for themselves..